The circular economy - we're part of it

The circular economy - we're part of it - KitePride

Challenging the status quo with a new economic model.

Unlike the traditional linear economic model that is defined by constant waste (make, use and dispose of), the circular economy is one that keeps resources in use for as long as possible, extracting the maximum value of the material and product. The circular economy is based on longevity, renewability, reuse, repair, refurbishment, and sustainability. It aims to solve environmental challenges using innovative technologies and novel business models.

The circular economy offers an opportunity for us to provide creative solutions whilst challenging the status quo. This model provides new business opportunities with enormous economic potential, such as new approaches to how products are designed, packaged and used.

Sustainability consists of three components – environmental conservation, social responsibility, and economic development. Whilst most people often associate sustainability with environmental preservation, it is as much about people and the growth of communities. The circular economy by definition requires us to rethink the way resources are used through innovative designs, technologies, and company structuring. Fortunately, one resource that is unlimited here is innovation. We are continuously developing ideas and ways in which to reduce, reuse and recycle.

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