Blue is the color of HOPE

Blue is the color of HOPE - KitePride

Human trafficking may sound like something that is limited to third-world countries, or perhaps another century. But it is a global and present-day problem that is much more common than many people think. In fact, the International Labor Organization estimates that human trafficking and forced labor is a $150 billion industry worldwide.

Designating January as National Human Trafficking Awareness Month is intended to bring attention to this devastating crime, inform people about potential red flags and warning signs, and perhaps even save a victim's life. Human trafficking awareness is represented by the color blue. Why? Blue is the color of hope. 

What is Human Trafficking?
Human trafficking involves the illegal smuggling and trading of people and is a form of modern day slavery. Human traffickers use various forms of violence, threats, deception, and other manipulative tactics to prey on a victim's vulnerabilities in order to recruit and keep them in a trafficking situation. Trafficking situations most commonly include engaging in commercial sex acts against the victim's will, entering into forced marriage arrangements, or providing some sort of compulsory labor. Commercial sex work generally includes escort services, strip clubs, and pornography. It is estimated that the total number of global human trafficking victims is around 40.3 million. According to the Jerusalem Institute of Justice, here in Israel sex is paid for 26,000 times a day. And although human trafficking spans regions, races, and genders, it disproportionately affects women and girls, who account for approximately 75% of victims worldwide. 

Our fight to end human trafficking
Here at KitePride we provide safe rehabilitation employment to women and men exiting human trafficking. We provide a warm family environment whereby a communal, nutritious and bonding lunch is had everyday. More than a job, we provide coaching, healthcare, food and education. This is called our care fund. For the month of January, 15% of the profit of every BLUE HOPE SHOPPER sold will go towards the care fund. Join us in our mission to provide hope by purchasing a blue hope shopper today - upcycled from parachute.   


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