Exclusive Q&A with dad, husband and KitePride CEO

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1. What have been your highs and lows this year?
The gift of health, family and friends has become even more valuable to me in the past year. With the global pandemic that forever changed our lives, drastically interrupted some of our routine, disrupted both family and business life, I found myself in a mental and emotional rollercoaster. I had to answer many questions about priorities and core values. At the end of the day you just want to come out stronger as a father, husband, leader or employer. I think we came out stronger than when we entered. We seized new opportunities.
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2. What rituals or daily practices have you put in place to manage the demands of dad, husband and CEO?
Every human being needs to be refreshed and feel refreshed. I am a visual person and I like to imagine several water wells from which I draw water from. If they run dry I am in trouble. There is the physical health, the mental strength, the emotional wellbeing and fourth my spiritual capacity - all of which need care. This awareness helps me set up different daily, weekly or monthly activities to make sure my wells are not running dry. If I do not take care of myself, how can I take care of others? I am far off from perfect though and one of the most amazing coaches in my life is my dear wife who constantly reminds me to follow through with my convictions 😊 So yes, practically speaking, keeping daily phone free times with our kids is an example, making time for a kitesurfing session or motorcycle ride, a date night with my love and high focus when I work long hours.
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3. If you had a magic wand, one thing you would make happen?
I would want to see the 14000 women and men in Israel who currently feel trapped in prostitution and exploitation living as free people, living their dreams and realising their potential.
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4. One quote you live by
We all need a ton of wisdom! I would like to say though that bad attitude in life is like a flat tire, you cannot reach anywhere until you change it. And if you want to be successful: Know what you are doing; Love what you are doing; Believe in what you are doing!
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5. Something you do that most people don’t know about?
Everyone who knows the crazy traffic in Tel Aviv and limited parking in the city will know this stress can drive you nuts. My solution is riding a Harley Davidson. Apparently HD is American by birth and rebel by choice. I am the odd one I guess, I am neither American nor do I have tattoos. But yes, I do occasionally ride like a gangster 👍🏼
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6. What’s your favorite thing you do with your kids?
Inspire them, make them feel safe and keep them productive. And I took my two teenagers out to the movies until 3:40am the night before. I should do stuff like that a lot more.
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7. A takeaway message as a dad of a family and social business.
Great leaders don’t change people. They create environments where people can change themselves. And the most compelling way to cast vision is to show it. People need to see the vision.