Celebrating World Ocean Day with impact

Celebrating World Ocean Day with impact - KitePride


World Oceans Day provides a unique opportunity once a year to honor our world’s ocean that connects us all. After all, no matter where we live­­—from Israel to Hawai to the Bahamas, and from Australia to Austria to Argentina­­­­—we all depend on a healthy ocean for our survival. Each one of us can contribute to resolving the issues facing our ocean, including plastic pollution. Here at KitePride, we are actively combatting plastic pollution through the process of upcycling. Our products are all upcycled from materials such as kitesurfing kites, sails, parachutes, and wetsuits.

On June 8, people around the globe will come together to celebrate this year’s World Oceans Day with the theme of: “Together we have the power to protect the ocean.” This annual growing global event serves as a rallying point for raising awareness and promoting personal and community action in a fun and positive ways, leading to a more aware, engaged, and sustainable society, and a healthier ocean. As hundreds of events are planned this year to help individuals be part of the solution for our ocean by supporting clean energy choices - if you are a kitesurfer or surfer, do your part this year! Instead of trashing your old kite and wetsuit - give it to us. We will repurpose what would have otherwise gone to the trash and turn it into awesome products whilst providing jobs for women and men exiting human trafficking. It is a win-win really!

From creating jobs to saving the environment, we are on a mission to better the world. It is no secret that we take matters of environmental conservation seriously. We have proudly built up a community of environmentally conscious kitesurfers and surfers that donate their kites rather than trashing them. So, if you are a kitesurfer or surfer that has old gear, check out our 14 global drop off points and drop it off for us to provide more jobs and create cool products! Here at KitePride, we celebrate World Oceans Day to encourage the continued efforts to reduce plastic creation, consumption, and ultimately waste.

TOGETHER, we have the power the protect our ocean! 




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