*For the confidentiality of our employees, names have been changed.

At KitePride, it is our heart’s purpose to give our workers the stability to feel safe, confident, and prepared enough to eventually leave us and venture out on their own into new dreams they have. We desire to help them completely move out of their old life and into a new successful one. Joseph’s story is one of where our purpose is being fulfilled and his. He came from a life of being forced to sell himself as a female from the age of 15 to 35. He has since then returned to life as a male and is no longer in the sex trade. Determined to make it on his own, he was on the brink of homelessness and hungry many times. After learning how to sew with an Israeli organization, he found that design was something he enjoyed and was good at. Since being under our work program, Joseph has grown so much in confidence and has grown stronger in his talents and abilities. So much so that he has now begun his journey towards his dream of starting his own small business & fashion label! 

" Since being under our work program, Joseph has grown so much in confidence and has grown stronger in his talents and abilities. "

It is your help through our Sponsorship Program that will make it possible for us to enable him to meet this dream through mentoring and giving the supervision he needs to start his business. He will continue to work with us at kite.pride 50% of his time while using the rest of his time to start up his own business to design clothes. He currently has already acquired a 50 sq meter location and is renovating it. Your support is so crucial to Joseph’s future goals and to so many others with us. To see someone come from a past so riddled with hopelessness and go into a future where they can be all they were destined to be is a joy that is more than words can express. Sign up here to sponsor Joseph and other kite.pride employees today!


At KitePride, it is our heart’s purpose to give our workers the stability to feel safe, confident, and prepared enough to eventually leave us and venture out on their own into new dreams they have. We desire to help them completely move out of their old life and into a new successful one. It is also our great hope that they find a family with us that they have never experienced and they feel included in a caring community that loves and appreciates them. Saida’s* story is one of where our purpose is being fulfilled.

Saida* felt rejection from a very early age. When her mother was pregnant with her, her dad made it known that if she did not have a boy, he would leave her. He did not want another girl and would marry someone else who could give him a son. He kept that promise. At an early age she had to work to help raise her siblings, including putting her brother through school, and was declined the opportunity to pursue her dreams. As a young Palestinian woman she was a product of an abusive arranged marriage to an Israeli who turned out to be a drug addict.

In the past this would have granted Saida* Israeli citizenship as well. However, she only received temporary residency but never could complete the process to permanent residency or Israeli citizenship due to separation because of her husband’s violence and time in prison. After the couple got together again the law changed. Since 2003 Palestinians no longer receive Israeli citizenship even if they are married to Israelis.

The case has been referred to the Humanitarian committee reviewing this unusual situation to make a decision. We are asking that she be granted the A-5 visa, which she did have in the past, because it will at least give her an Israeli ID and social and medical benefits in Israel.

Coming to KitePride has changed her life in many ways. Thanks to our unique legal entity we have been able to offer her far more than just a job. She is able to learn how it is to be loved unconditionally without the overwhelming feeling of rejection. Saida* says that KitePride is the first place she has ever felt like she was included, needed, and wanted. She also says that she has a family now that she knows she can depend on and who will always treat her with love, dignity, and compassion. At KitePride she feels like she has a home. Finally. Your support has allowed this to happen and your sponsorship of her will help us to pay for her legal case and court costs and will allow her to continue to be able to stay in Israel with us, her family, which will help her to eventually transition into a new life of freedom, wholeness, and independence.

" Saida says that KitePride is the first place she has ever felt like she was included, needed, and wanted. "

Her story is just one of many where the help of generous and empathetic people has changed the life of someone forever for the better. To see someone come from a past so riddled with hopelessness and go into a future where they can be all they were destined to be is a joy that is more than words can express. You can be a part of that joy.

Thank you.